Ticket Tips - How to get an issue resolved faster!
Before writing your ticket, think through the situation, gather all the facts, take screenshots where appropriate, and provide the exact steps for reproducing the issue. Sometimes, simply going through this process reveals the solution. But if it doesn't, we've found that the more time spent writing the ticket, the less time it will take to resolve.
In order to help us help you efficiently and effectively, please include as many of the following details in your initial support ticket as apply. Don't know all the details? No problem! Tell us what you can, and we'll take it from there.
- Goal: A clear summary of the problem you're having and what you're trying to accomplish.
- User Information: What type of device are you using? Which browser and operating system/version? Have you tried refreshing your browser, clearing your cache, or restarting? (Start > Power > Restart)
- Issue Reproduction: What steps did you take before the issue happened. Does the issue reoccur when you follow those steps? Details are your friend here, so be specific!
- Documentation: A link to a webpage or document, screenshots of any error messages, a short video showing the steps it took to create the issue, etc.
Ticket Types
Is something not working like you expect it to? Running into an error message? Service or connection down? Gather your basic details, copy your links, grab those screenshots, and submit your issue via the support portal. Be sure to include:
- What was happening when the problem occurred
- Steps taken to generate the error
- A screenshot of the error
Service Request
When something isn't broken, but you need to make a request, check the Service Catalog. It contains many common requests, such as:
- Updating account information
- Requesting a shared mailbox
- Hardware and software requests
Ticket Urgency & Impact
When submitting an Incident type ticket, you may see two additional fields: Urgency and Impact. We use these fields to help prioritize tickets beyond a simple first-in first-out approach.
Urgency is how quickly something needs to be looked at, or how impactful it is for you to complete your job duties. For example, 'low urgency' would be a minor annoyance or something you can easily work around, and 'high urgency' would be something that causes a significant interruption.
Impact is how many people are affected by an incident. 'Low impact' is when just you or a couple people are affected, and 'high impact' is when your entire organization or location is affected.
Please take an honest assessment on what your incident's urgency and impact is. Abuse of these indicators in an attempt to "jump" the ticket queue may result in a re-assessment of your ticket's priority.
Hours & Holidays
Standard Support Desk hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm (Arizona).
We do not monitor the ticket queue outside of normal support hours. If you submit a ticket outside of our support hours, including on a holiday, the ticket will be reviewed at the start of the next business day.
Below is a list of closed holidays. Generally, if a holiday falls on a Saturday, we observe it on the preceding Friday, and if a holiday falls on a Sunday, we observe it on the following Monday.
- New Year's Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Presidents' Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving (Thursday and Friday)
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- New Year's Eve